It was long considered sacred stone in India, and there is a belief that it was formed from moonbeams. It was once believed that if you had one in your mouth during the full moon you could see your future. In India it is still considered a sacred stone and is believed to bring good fortune. In many cultures, moonstone is strongly associated with love. It is a gift much appreciated by lovers, as it is believed to awaken a tender passion. It is said that lovers who possess a moonstone can predict their future life together. According to a legend, two people who use moonstone will fall passionately in love when the moon is high.
It is a stone that is distinguished by a bluish glow, adularcence, which moves across the surface of the stone as it moves.
Sri Lanka is the largest source of quality moonstone.
To offer the highest brilliance or “schiller”, they are carved in cabochon, and the higher it is, the greater the brilliance. If this iridescence is produced in various colours it is known as rainbow moonstone.
Associated with Cancer. It is considered a love stone. It has the virtues of protecting love and inspiring tender passions. Very strong when worn by people with the ascending sun signs or lunar sign in Cancer. It is considered the birthstone of the month of June and corresponds to the Moon as a planet.
The moon is the planet that governs intuition and receptivity. Using moonstones helps to harmonise and balance these.
It is of feminine power, used to calm and harmonise the emotions, integrating the emotional plane with the higher levels of consciousness. It is related to the solar plexus, the sacrum and the spleen chakra, where it acts as a gatekeeper to the unconscious.
Very useful in women, as it helps to normalise the endocrine system. In meditation it connects with the most intense emotions and influences our intuition. It is also used to increase telepathy and clairvoyance. The lunar energy connected in this way with the emotional field acts as a protection, when impulses tend to get out of control.
Pearly white energy is used in the crown chakra to promote harmonious development between the physical and subtle bodies and to energise the higher healing centres.
The blue colour works on the laryngeal chakra, throat, mouth and thyroid problems.